Mediterr J Rheumatol 2023;34(1):44-52
Determination of Bone Density by DEXA Method Based on Bone Age and its Comparison with Chronological Age in Chronic Patients
Authors Information
  1. Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ardabil University of Medical Science, Ardabil, Iran
  2. Department of Paediatrics, School of Medicine, Children’s Medical Centre, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  3. Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
  4. Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
L Katebi,  Ali Rabbani, F Sayarifard, M Mehdizadeh, A Sayarifard, A Sotoudeh, F Abbasi

Background and Objective: Given the growing awareness about the important role of children's age in building bone for a person's life, physicians need to assess bone health in high-risk children for bone density disorders more than before to optimize their bones' density and prevent osteoporosis in future. The aim of this study was to evaluate bone density based on chronological and bone age. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 80 Patients who have been referred for bone density to the Osteoporosis Centre of the Children's Medical Centre over a one-year period (spring 98 to spring 99) were studied. Bone density was performed for all patients by using DEXA method. Results: The z-score mean chronological age for the lumbar spine was -0.8± 1.85 years and bone age was -0.58±1.64 years. The z-score mean chronological age for femoral bone was -1.6±1.02 years and bone age was -1.32± 1.4 years. Conclusion: Results showed that in all patients, the difference in the mean Z score of chronological age and bone age of the spine between patients was not significant but for femur was significant. Also, use of corticosteroids leads to significant difference between the two age groups’ z-score in femur and spine.

Cite this article as: Katebi L, Rabbani A, Sayarifard F, Mehdizadeh M, Sayarifard A, Sotoudeh A, Abbasi F, Rostami P. Determination of Bone Density by DEXA Method Based on Bone Age and its Comparison with Chronological Age in Chronic Patients. Mediterr J Rheumatol 2023;34(1):44-52.

Article Submitted: 12 Jun 2021; Revised Form: 31 Jan 2022; Article Accepted: 15 Feb 2022; Available Online: 21 Feb 2023



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