Mediterr J Rheumatol 2022;33(Suppl 1):162-72
Effectiveness and Safety of Certolizumab Pegol in Axial Spondyloarthritis in a Real-World Setting in Greece: A Sub-Analysis of the Prospective Non-Interventional CIMAX Cohort Study
Πληροφορίες Συγγραφέων
  1. Rheumatology Clinic, Athens Naval Hospital, Athens, Greece
  2. Euromedica General Clinic of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
  3. Olympion Therapeutirion General Clinic, Patras, Greece
  4. Rheumatology Unit, Agios Andreas Hospital, Patras, Greece
  5. Laikon General Hospital, Athens, Greece
  6. 4th Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokrateion General Hospital of Thessaloniki, School of Medicine, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
  7. Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, Greece
  8. UCB Pharma, Monheim am Rhein, Germany

G Katsifis, A Theodoridou, A Bounas, P Georgiou, P Sfikakis, K Fragiadaki, T Dimitroulas, E Mole, L Bauer, T Kumke, B Hoepken

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